Take advantage of all those hot coals and embers in the fire pit by putting on a grill and being able to cook your dinner, boil a billy or get creative and bake a Damper. It gives you the best of both worlds of having a fire pit combined with a BBQ. Grills can be adapted to all Unique Fire Pits and you have the option of purchasing a full grill or a half grill
* 700mm Diameter Full Metal Cooking Grill = $100
* 900mm Diameter Full Metal Cooking Grill = $100
* 700mm Diameter Full Stainless Steel Cooking Grill = $150
* 900mm Half Stainless Steel Cooking Grill = $100
* 900mm Diameter Full Stainless Steel Cooking Grill = $170
* 1100mm Half Stainless Steel Cooking Grill = $120
* 1100mm Diameter Full Stainless Steel Cooking Grill = $190
* 1400mm Diameter Stainless Steel Half Cooking Grill = $200